Industrial Electric Systems

Lorenzi Group designs and creates complex, safe and high performance industrial electrical systems with quality components which are both medium and large sized.

The end goal is the distribution of energy towards machines and equipment utilised by firms and facilities for a large scale production. The complexity of such installation inevitably calls for the expertise of purposely designed experts. The same goes for the upkeep of electric panels and edge machine systems.

That’s why it’s vital that every single phase features a specialized technician so as to support constantly the customer in every request of his and to operate by the National and European guidelines.

Our services for industrial systems

Design, making and installation of industrial systems are accompanied by a 24/7 service of maintenance addressing mainly:

  • House automation and building automation
  • Intrusion detection systems, smoke detection systems, EVAC systems, CCTV and access control systems, IT networks
  • Industrial automation and edge machine systems
  • Electric panels for distribution and control
  • Ordinary maintenance of electric systems
  • Electric distribution of energy (transformer station MT/BT)

Lorenzi group produces safe and efficient systems for both private and public sector, making the most out of vital elements like time and resources.

Industrial Electric Systems in Bergamo and Lombardy

The service provided by Lorenzi group is getting more and more efficient and professional, always aimed at giving valuable and quick solutions. Our company can always offer an added value for what concerns your project and the implementation you are thinking about. If you are seeking an industrial electric system in Bergamo you should rely on such experts as we are.

Are you in need for a project about an industrial system?

Lorenzi Group is the landmark for valuable and competitive technological systems. If you are in need for experts in the building up of your electrical system you can ask for a free quote in just a few seconds

Our professional advice includes:
  • Support to find the best system for you;
  • Solutions for future developments and upgrades;
  • Pros and cons analysis;
  • Feasibility study

Ask for our professional advice here


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